Friday, February 25, 2011

15kgs lighter!

an enlightening day.
ordinary start. extraordinary mid morning :)
andrew phones. and the news to reach my ears is superb!
he has lost 15kgs so far :) AND - and its the and that is even better - he is ready to up the ante! i could not be happier for him! superb.

the part i actually like best is that it's a good weight loss - it isn't too fast, it isn't too slow. its consistent with the exercise he has been doing and the food he has been eating. and. its achievable - creating a lifestyle plan that can be held onto for... LIFE! not some fitness fad, that, once it isn't sustained, once life takes over, - results in weight gain, plus some extra luggage.
its been managed and maintained and continued - through - hours upon hours of voluntary work (which would send many of us off to the land of don't care and takeaway), two cyclones, a deployment to rocky to help in the floods, AND the excitement trauma of sending the youngest offspring out into the big wide world of schooling ...
briefer? its been managed, maintained and continued - through - the ups and downs of real, everyday life!

funny thing is, i had already planned on 1st march to bring it up with him, 'upping' things ... he has been 'walking' now for nearly 2 months ... most days much longer than 3kms, but the consistency has been fantastic. but now it is time to, not increase the distance, but to increase the intensity - we  talked about the gym, increasing the walking speed, adding in some running, adding in some hills, adding in other extras - push ups, sit ups, etc. - just pushing the body just that little bit further, slowly... he talks of playing squash, (play play play, NO excuses!) he has a bike - (get out and ride it with the kids in tow!!)

PLUS - not only does he want to up the ante - he wants to do a 5km or 10km run in september !!!!!!!! (definitely need to start some running then :D ) in brisbane!  w00t friggin' w00t - one of the best phone calls to get is from someone who has discovered for themselves they are ready to lift their game, have a goal in mind and are so happy with where they are heading.
that is MUCH better than me, getting to a 'date' and then bringing it up with him. that it comes from within andrew is a recognition that means it WILL happen. you can only ever do anything for - yourself!

i can help, i can support, i can cluck around like a proud mother hen! but, it all has to come from andrew, wanting change for himself. and .... it is :D

congratulations on 15kgs so far, and - cheers to the next 15 to come :)
a whole new world awaits

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