Thursday, December 16, 2010

it began as an egg

ann: 1:25pm
i have an idea - a 2011 idea! on cr there are a few people committing to running - 3650kms in 365 days - im gonna join in - obviously it averages 10kms a day, which may not seem much but i would not have run anywhere near that this year, even with long runs and ultras added in! so, a regular contribution, a 'consistency' to my running, with longer runs boosting the total now and again!
anyways - to you! my 2011 idea :D you are gonna set a goal! YES - YOU!
like (an eg only) - to walk 1000kms for the year! ? - that would be less than 3kms a day, as time goes by that would get easier and easier and would change though - what do you think!
BUT. you were the one brought up from couch to 5k with me (THAT will teach you to enquire with me about anything re fitness, exercise and weight loss! :P ) so maybe im making you my 2011 project? :D
are you ready for a challenge?! with the kids, easy to incorporate that into your life!
later gater!

andrew: 1:33pm
I drove 50,000km last year in the I get any credit for that? LOL
I'm in for a challenge, though it is something I must do ;)
I like the idea, though some pushing and prodding will be needed, as I'm sure you know.
Just finished a day on the water at Bowen helping one of sarah's work collegues....legs are jelly LOL

ann: 1:40pm
no credit on the car - sorry!!! unless you are fred flinstone? then it might be considered.
you say yes to it! (and sarah to if she wants!) i will push and prod, dont you worry, i just like the challenge ive set myself up for and was just thinking how it really could be incorporated for anybody. a goal. that starts on the 1st january. not a resolution, they only get broken.
if you can do yours, then i will be inspired and i have to be capable of doing mine!
now you just have to figure exactly what the challenge is you want to set. maybe, if you make it what would in turn be 3kms a day (some days you may not be able to so others would be six etc, but, that would be ...
1095kms for the year! is the goal! you are good at spreadsheets and such, make one up where you can just count them down! who knows, maybe you will complete it early! and have to reset!
a day on the water? you are jesus too! haha

andrew: 1:51pm
Never liked NY resolutions why do we have to wait for one night a year when we are drunk to make a potentially life changing decision? ;).
Darn, why did it have to be a leap extra day of sheer torture LOL.
<must get bigger wheels on the couch if I'm to drag it along>
I'm thrilled to accept the challenge.... Sarah is in agreeance. Cooper couldn't care less ;)

ann: 2:16pm
oh, we will get cooper onside!! :D
is it a leap year? truly? i dont think it is, i think youre a year early, however, you could of course start the 31st december then its nothing to do with new years AND, it gives you your extra day :P
enjoy your next couple weeks! you could get some practice in :)
is sarah gonna do it too? or is she just in agreeance of you doing it! c'mon sarah!!
you dont need the couch with wheels, im sure occasionally we could find some tyres or logs to drag along haha
(by the way, your nye thing, with you on it ! but, it is like my \valentines/ thoughts, why do we have to have one day a year to let our loved ones know we love them ? - shouldnt that be EVERY day!!)
you got a LOTTA water in your life!
we shall talk more on it - over and out

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